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Saturday, 7 July 2012

The Magic of Discovery Making a Vegetable garden

From the minute they are born children are discovering, the magic of discovery is encouraging your kids to discover new things about the world.  This will differ from age to age but they never stop discovering and learning.  This is so clear in our household, with an 18 month old who is still discovering the very basic parts of "his world" here at home to an almost 4 year old who is just starting to discover the world outside of the home.  Both so different but just as magical as each other and helping them with this discovery is so rewarding.  Discovery for kids happens all year round, but winter can sometimes bring unwelcome bugs to our little ones and stop them discovering.  Here in our house we use Nurofen for Children as it gets temperatures back to normal faster than paracetamol so the kids can get back to the magic of discovery.

Just a few of what we purchased to plant
The kids are always with me doing the groceries and just the other day my almost 4 year old Miss P asked me several questions about different foods I placed in trolley.  From where they come from, who puts them there, how they get to the store and more.  So this opened up an opportunity for discovery.  At home we discussed that people planted the vegetables, cared for them and then picked them.  Miss P wanted to do this so we decided to make a vegetable patch (small but suitable for us).  So off to the nursery where Miss P helped choose the vegetables we often eat, soil to help them grow and of course some new gloves!  Not to forget our 18 month old Master X, who unable to discuss with us about the process, he was doing his own discovery in the nursery itself and then helping with digging the vegetable patch.  Discovering new textures, smells and skills all magic to him.

Discovering how to dig in the dirt
Different texture, digging in the rocks

Miss P really enjoyed digging the holes for the plants as we discussed again that we need to care for the vegetables in order for them to grow.  Miss P discovered that it wasn't an instant process, something which I feel is a valuable lesson, that we can't have everything instantly!  So with the vegetables planted and watered, the magic of discovery was great and we are still talking about it.  The vegetable garden will be our little ongoing discovery as our vegetables grow and then again when we get to pick and eat our vegetables from our own garden.  I cannot wait to see the excitement on Miss P's face when they are ready to pick.  The magic of discovery is alive here and we love it.

Loving the magic of discovery
Explaining that Master X "isn't doing it right"

For more information on how Nurofen can help with your children's fevers visit their website 

Kate xxx

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